Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A Few Random Things

I wanted to include a few more pictures from the weekend:
The boys love playing in the tree house at Grandpa Mont and Grandma Norma's.
Helping Grandpa Mont blow leaves.
G loves to help my Mom bake. I love how he had to wear his football helmet while baking-you never know how rowdy baking can get!
Today I felt like a true soccer mom :) First up for the day was swim lessons. I considered it a success because G did great and got to go off the diving board twice and B didn't cry when I put him in the child care part of our gym-victory! Tonight was G's first soccer practice. He was really excited and even thought he should take a nap this afternoon to prepare for soccer-hey whatever works!I didn't get a lot of pictures because I had B with me and there were a lot of people around, but don't worry-crazy camera mom will come out one of these times and I will get some good action shots!
(He's in the blue)

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