Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Election Day and Spider Man

G has been very interested in the presidential election. He would hear Mitt Romney and President Obama talked about on the news so we started explaining to him what the election was. For the longest time he called him "Mick" Romney but we finally got that corrected. One night I had my friends children over and they stayed for dinner. Apparently G thought a good dinner conversation would be to ask his friend who she wanted to win the presidential election. Her response was the Cardinals :) I guess not every 4 year old cares about the election! First thing this morning G raced downstairs and wanted to know who had won the election.
M and I both voted yesterday. I waited an hour in the cold and rain and M waited 45 minutes but we felt good about ourselves for doing it!
This picture has nothing to do with the election but I thought it was cute. Spider Man helped me bake cupcakes today. If he is not in his spider man costume, he is in his Iowa State Cyclones football outfit.

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