Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Moving Time

We are almost officially a week out from our flight over to Australia. A lot has happened and is continuing to happen. Emotions are all over the place and can change by the hour. Here is a recap of the last few weeks:
-The house is sold! We are in the midst of home inspections and dealing with hiccups that come with that. And when I say we, I really mean me. My husband was doing this:

Nothing like a work trip to Paris the week before moving across the world. #notbitteratall.

-Matt has sold his car, mine is scheduled to be traded into the dealer in a few days.
-Our house is totally empty. The movers and packers came last week. It took 4 days for them to pack and load our house. We have some belongings that will go into storage here in Peoria. We have a small air shipment that will arrive about the time we do next week in Australia. We also have a 40 ft container that will come by sea and take 6-8 weeks. This contains most of our furniture.
-Since our house is empty we are no longer living there, we are staying with friends until we head back to Iowa for Mother's Day.
-Our visas have been approved and we can breathe a big sigh of relief!
-We have our temp housing set up, we will be in a furnished apartment for a short time until we find a  house.
-Our airfare is officially booked and we are ready for our flight over on May 12th.
-The next few days are going to be hard, lots of hard goodbyes. We always knew we had amazing friends but it's times like these when you realize how truly wonderful they are! We say goodbye to  Washington in 2 days and head back to spend a few days with family in Iowa before the big trip.

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