Thursday, March 17, 2016


Hello? Is anyone out there? The Schreurs family has not fallen off the face of the Earth. I took a blogging break for awhile. No particular reason, sometimes life just gets in the way or other times it's just an ordinary day that doesn't seem blog worthy. Regardless of the reason, I feel the need to start blogging again mainly for documenting our newest life adventure..........

We are moving to Australia, the land down under, full of kangaroos, koalas, and apparently huge spiders. It seems everyone knew this fact about Australia but me as I often get the "watch out for those spiders" reaction when I say Australia. And on a side note, if you google "worlds deadliest animals" Australia is the first to pop up. Who knew!?

Anyway my hope is to blog on a fairly regular basis both for documenting purposes for ourselves as well as a way to give others a glimpse of our new adventure.

So we will start at the beginning and lay out what is happening at this point in our journey:
1. We are in the process of putting our house for sale in Illinois. The realtor comes tomorrow to take pictures and we have now entered the dreaded "house has to be clean all the time" period.
2. We are trying to find a date for a house hunting trip. Think our own version of "House Hunters International". Matt and I will travel to Australia for a week to try and secure housing, pick schools, generally get to know the area, This is posing quite the difficult task. We are on a limited time frame, Matt still travels and has two week long trips scheduled between now and the big move. We can not enter into a lease agreement until we have our visas, visas take awhile.......etc.etc. A little stress in this area!
3. Figuring out dates. Dates for house hunting, dates for movers, dates for the kids last day of school, dates for the big move, fitting in all doctors and dental appointments before we leave, trying to see all of our much loved friends and family. It is all like a giant puzzle and figuring out how to put the pieces together. It will feel good when we have the puzzle figured out! I am a planner by nature. I have a real planner-that is made out of paper and not on my phone! I get great excitement writing events on the calendar and watching them fill up the months with my pretty colored pens. Through this process I have had to cross things out (totally makes me crazy to do this!), reschedule, and I have even resorted to writing things in pencil in hopes of avoiding the dreaded crossing out. But this is me trying to embrace the craziness going on around me and cope!

So that  is where we are at. A lot of unknown details left to figure out but we will get there, that is what I have to tell myself!

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