Monday, April 18, 2016

The Next Steps in the Process

On March 28th Matt and I left for our first trip to Australia. We flew from Des Moines to Phoenix (3 hour flight time), Phoenix to Los Angeles (1.5 hour flight time), then the big flight from Los Angeles to Brisbane Australia (13 hours). Our objectives for the trip were to explore the area, get a feel for the city, find a house, find a school.

Exploring the Gold Coast 

SouthBank in Brisbane

Wheel of Brisbane

The Story Bridge


We had an awesome week of exploring the city and culture. We were disappointed to learn when we returned back to the US that the house we thought we had secured for a rental was actually sold to buyers. It was a bit discouraging but we know there is a better house out there for us. House hunting will be at the top of the list when we return in May. We will then have a better idea as to what school the boys will attend.

This past weekend the boys had an entire day of "cultural training" from a teacher that came to our house. She taught them a lot about Australia, what kinds of things kids in Australia like to do, and  how they might feel when we first travel over there. She also taught them that they will be "third culture kids" which means that they will be raised and have experience in a culture different than their parents culture. The main fact that the boys took away from the day was that there are 25 million kangaroos in Australia and only 23 million people.

Next steps:
-We are working on getting our visas. Once we have those secure we will be able to book airfare for the move over there.
-The movers will pack up our house in a week. We separate everything into different categories (items that will go by air, items that will go by sea, and items that will be stored in Peoria).
-Still working on selling our house and cars!

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